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         Grading Policies

The grading policies and procedures for the year involve classroom participation, worksheets or additional music activities, playing tests, points earned for practice, and attendance at performances.


Attendance at Performances:

Performances are important. It is the final product of hours, days, and weeks of hard work and practice. Each performance is worth 1000 points. ALL PERFORMANCES ARE MANDATORY! A performance missed without a legitimate excuse will result in a deduction of 1000 points from your grade. A student with a legitimate excuse will be allowed to make up the grade by completing a designated assignment that will be due within one week after the performance. Performances include concerts, parades, festivals, and other functions that a performing ensemble is required to attend. If you are going to miss a performance, please notify me. If it is not an emergency, I must be informed at least two weeks in advanced with a legitimate reason.  If it is a family emergency, please call me as soon as possible and let me know.


Informational Letters:  

Informational letters are sent to parents reminding them of band events at least two weeks in advance.  Each letter will ask for a parent response and signature.  Each student, based on the prompt return of the parental response, will earn points.



Grading Scale:

100% - 90%  = A

89%  - 80%  = B

79%  - 70%  = C  

69%  - 60%  = D

59%  -  0%   = F




Extra points may be earned if: you take private lessons, observe a concert (you must bring a program), if you write a one page paper about your favorite music or music group, additional performances, etc…..



Classroom Participation:

Classroom participation involves arriving to class on time with your instrument ready to play.  All points are earned on a daily basis and the follow theses guidelines:

On time with instrument and music = 5 points.

Late with instrument and music = 4 points.

On time with instrument, but no music or book = 3 points.

Late with only instrument = 2 points.

Music, but no instrument = 1 point.

No music or instrument = 0 points.


Playing Test:

A playing test will receive a score from 3-10 points. There will be 3-9 playing tests every nine weeks and they will be given randomly. It is the students responsibility to make up the test if absent. A student may submit a make up test by recording it on tape and submitting it to me, or scheduling a make up time.  All make up test must be submitted within one week after the date of the absence or they will no longer be accepted. 


Practice Points:

Practice Goals sheets will be distributed every week and students will be ask to complete a specific amount of goals for the week. Students will log the number of goals they have completed for the week for a grade on a google form which will be due Monday of each week. 



Classroom Participation:

Classroom participation involves getting to class on time, prepared with music, folder, a pencil, positive behavior, and is polite to both peers and teachers.  All points are earned on a daily basis and the following are guidelines for earning participation points.


Points are earned:


PERFORMANCE: +100  Points

 1. Weekly Performance quizzes

 2. Daily Participation:

        a. On time with folder, pencil, and music: = 20 points.

        b. Late with folder, pencil, and music: = 15 points.

        c. No folder, pencil, and music but performs: = 10 points.

        d. Unprepared and refuses to sing and participate in the daily activities: = 0 Points.

 3. Auditions:

          a. Solo Audition: = +5 points.

          b. Solo at Concert: = +10 points.

          c. Solo and Ensemble Participation: = +50 points.

          d. Honor Choir Audition: = +10 points.

          e. Honor Choir Participant: = +50 points.

          f. Lessons: +10 points.

          g. Attendance at other musical functions: = +10 points.


Points are Lost:

  1. Unexcused absence from a performance: = -400 points.

  2. Unexcused tardy: = -5 points.

  3. Eating food, candy, or drinking liquids besides water: = -10 points.

  4. Poor music/folder care: = -30 points and replacement cost of folder/music.

  5. Talking during a rehearsal: = -2 to -12 points.

  6. Uncooperative behavior: = -5 to -15 points as well as a call to parents or office referral.

  7. Lack of participation: = -10 points.

  8. Improper dress at a Performance: = -5 to -25 points.




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